Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Packing for a trip to NYC

I am headed out tomorrow for a quick jaunt to New York City to visit some dear friends and my brother, Jeffrey.  I like to think of myself as a generally stylish person, but I am always a little intimidated when packing for trips to NYC and LA.  I want to look like "me," but also kick it up a notch.  Some photos for inspiration . . .

Dear readers, do you have a go to big city winter outfit?  Where do you find packing inspiration?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cavallo Point

Mr. Curly Rosen and I spent a relaxing evening at Cavallo Point after a fun-filled few days with family.  We hiked.  We got massaged.  We ate delicious cheeseburgers.  Divine.  I highly recommend the resort.  It's just 15 minutes from San Francisco, but it feels worlds away.  Such a gem!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Handsome guy!

Isn't my hubby cute??

New haircut.  And, he bought gel!  Whoa.  These Curly Rosens are getting crazy. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday.  The food, the fun family times, the food, the food...  My Nanny Lori makes a mean jello mold.  My mom's stuffing is the best in the world.  The Curly Rosens are blessed to celebrate together this year.  A few things for which I am thankful . . .


He is kind, loving, supportive, and oh so cute.  Thanks for being the best husband, Mr. Curly Rosen!


My parents!

Mr. Curly Rosen's parents!

We both have huge families, so we'd go on blog overload if I posted a picture of each and every member of our large families.  We have fantastic parents, supportive siblings, wonderful grandparents, and awesome aunts, uncles, and cousins.  We are blessed


I am so grateful that our families enjoy good health this Thanksgiving.  I am particularly thrilled that Nanny Lori is well and making plans to prepare the jello mold!

With Nanny Lori at our favorite spot -- Mauna Kea!!


You are a little bundle of joy, Freddy.  Thank you for your quirks, your cuddles, and for all that you've taught the Curly Rosens about responsibility, love, and family.  

Being cute. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Perform your civil duty.  That's all.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011