Provisions for the road
We did not stay here, but it's old and cool.
Great wall coverings and decorations in the Mendocino Hotel
Delicious salad trio at Moosse's in Mendo (don't ask me why they spell it that way...grrr...)
Hiking Rosen
Two hiking Rosens. Check out my new Toms shades!
Big River Basin walk. Lovely.
Cool old car. Not ours. We're not that cool.
View from the deck of the B&B we stayed at -- Brewery Gulch Inn. Recommend!
Ultimate relaxation
Waterfall at Russian Gulch Park. The least inhabited trail I've been on in California. Quite refreshing to get to experience nature alone.
Highway One. Lives up to the hype. (Excuse my weird outfit...)
Highway One -- better than Route One in New Jersey. Just saying.
Happy anniversaries to us!
Happy Anniversary of your 1st date !!!